Saturday, February 27, 2010

Regrouping to finish the Argyle Sock

Congratulations to Choc and Kathy on achieving your Knitting Olympic goals!

I've realized that the last time I did this, I had a lot more time at my disposal.  I feel like I've  tripped while skating, but am regrouping and heading towards the finish line, anyway.

So, having gotten my pesky WORK out of the way, that's been getting in the way of knitting, I'm concentrating on just one sock.  I've finished the leg, and am knitting the argyle part of the instep.

My goal is to get that done today - maybe by the end of the afternoon.  Then this evening, I plan to work on the heel, then on to the rest of the sock.  I think there's hope!

How are the rest of you doing?

1 comment:

Ketchikan Choc said...

Your Argyle pattern looks so very well executed. Hope that you finish it today.