Thursday, January 14, 2010

Rules Review

As blog host, I should probably take a moment to review the "Knitting Olympics" rules.  If you need a refresher, or haven't seen the original 2006 rules (which I assume apply this time around, too), click on the link on the right called "Knitting Olympics 2006".  This will take you to Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's web page where they're all laid out.

The Team Alaska sub-rules are:
1. You must either live in, or be (fairly) recently from, Alaska.
2. You must knit.  (This is a KNITTING Olympics, 'nuff said).
3. You must seek a higher plane of knitting, pushing yourself that one extra step further than ever.
4. You must TRY to finish this commitment.
5. You must not stress yourself beyond comeback.
6. You must remember this is FUN.
7. You will NOT win a car, boat or vacation to some far away resort.
8. You must cast on during the opening ceremonies, but may swatch before (training for your event)!

Potential Team Alaska members: if you comment to the blog, your email is not automatically attached.  If you don't want to include your email in your comment, but would still like to provide it, so I can invite you to be a contributing member of the blog, then please do the following:
     Click on the "LindaY" link on the right.
     When my profile page comes up, click on email on the left under "contact".
     Send me an email that includes your email address and a message about your project.
If it all looks legit, I'll send you an invitation to be a contributor.  After you respond back, you should be able to post!

Can't wait to start knitting!

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